HTML Control

You can write your own HTML code, which will appear over your slider, and you can position it.

☝️ Note: This control is only available in the Pro version!
☝️ Note: A static overlay shows up in front of your slides too, just like the HTML control. You could try that out too, in case it works out better for your usecase.
  • Stack - The order of the controls, which you put into the same position.
  • Offset - This is how far your HTML code will be from the selected position. If you change to Advanced mode, you can specify the position, and here you will be able to use our control variables too.

You can write any HTML code here.

Shows on hover

This option will make your HTML control only appear on desktop screen, when you hover your cursor over the slider. On tablet and mobile screen they will always be seen.

Hide on

You can make your HTML control invisible on Desktop, Tablet or Mobile view.

Hide on slides

You can hide your HTML control on specific slides separated by commas. Use the slide index (1 = first slide) instead of the slide ID.

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