WordPress - Events Manager generator

In this article

☝️ Note: This generator is only available in the Pro version.

With this dynamic slide generator you can show the contents of your events.


Creating a new dynamic slide

To get started, go to any Slider Settings page and add a new dynamic slide. Choose Events Manager.

Configuring the generator

Set up your generator. Choose the settings you want. Popular options you probably want to configure: category where your content will be pulled from, the number of slides you want to have, the ordering of the content.

You can also click on the View Records button to see the data you'll be creating your slide with.

When you're done, click on Add.

Editing the dynamic slide

After you saved your generator, you'll be redirected to the Slide Editor to set up the look of your slide. You can create your content by using variables.

Not sure what are the variables or how to use them? Learn how to work with variables.


You can use these options to set what you want your generator to show.



You can select the categories from where you want the events.


You can select tags to filter your events from the selected categories.


You can select locations to filter your events further.

Exclude Event IDs

Write one ID per line.


You can choose to only show those events, which haven't started yet, or already starter, or all.


You can choose to only show those events, which haven't ended yet, or already ended, or all.

☝️ Note: If you have a problem with the Started and Ended filters, that you see events you think shouldn't be there, check out this article.
Location town

You can give one town name, and only events from there will be in the slider.

Location state

You can give one state name, and only events from there will be in the slider.

Format Date Variables

With the WordPress Settings → General → Timezone and Date format, new variables will be generated from the given variables. Separate them with comma.

Get all multisite events

If you have multisite, then you can ask down events from all sites. This will ask down the events site after site, so it has a limitation, that the ordering only works on site bases! So it will ask down the events from your first site with the selected order, then asks down the events from the second site with the selected order, and so on.

Order result

If the "Get all multisite events" option is used, you can make the result use the selected order. So with this option, you still have the limitation described before, but after you have your for example 7 events from the first site, 3 events from the second, you can order these 10 events.

Slide count per site

If the "Get all multisite events" is turned on, and this option is turned on as well, then the Generator settings → Slides will ask down that many slides per site. For example if you have 3 sites, and choose to ask down 4 events, you will get 12 events. If you turn this option off, you will only have 4 slides all together. Turning this off would make sense, if you would use the "Order result" option as well, or else you might only would get events from the first site.

All day events custom text options

All day events don't have starting and ending times, also ending dates. If you don't want just empy values where these variables are used at these kind of events, you could turn these options on to give your own text instead.



The field which decides the ordering of your content.

  • Event start date
  • Event end date
  • Event rsvp date
  • Event creation date
  • Event modification date
  • Ticket price
  • Title

The order direction.

  • Ascending
  • Descending

Generator Settings

Learn about the Generator Settings at the Generator Settings documentation.


These are the available variables you can use to build your dynamic slide content in the Slide Editor.

Not sure what are the variables or how to use them? Learn how to work with variables.


  • title - The title of the event.
  • description - The description of the event.
  • image - The featured image of the event.
  • thumbnail - The thumbnail of the event's featured image.
  • url - Url to the event.
  • start_date - The starting date of the event. The timezone and the format is based on the WordPress' Settings → General → Timezone and Date format setting.
  • start_time - The starting time of the event. The timezone and the format is based on the WordPress' Settings → General → Timezone and Time format setting.
  • end_date - The ending date of the event. The timezone and the format is based on the WordPress' Settings→ General → Timezone and Date format setting.
  • end_time - The ending time of the event. The timezone and the format is based on the WordPress' Settings → General→ Timezone and Time format setting.
  • ID - The ID of the event.
  • rsvp_date - The Booking Cut-Off Date of the event.
  • rsvp_spaces - The Maximum Spaces Per Booking of the event.
  • spaces - The Total Spaces of the event.
  • location_name - The name of the event's location.
  • location_address - The address of the event's location.
  • location_town - The town of the event's location.
  • location_image The image of the event's location.
  • location_state - The state of the event's location.
  • location_postcode - The postcode of the event's location.
  • location_region - The region of the event's location.
  • location_country - The country code of the event's location.
  • location_latitude - The latitude of the event's location.
  • location_longitude - The longitude of the event's location.
  • ticket_name - The name of the event's ticket.
  • ticket_description - The description of the event's ticket.
  • ticket_price - The price of the event's ticket.
  • ticket_start - The date and time when the event's ticket is available from.
  • ticket_end - The date and time until the event's ticket is available.
  • ticket_min - The minimum spaces per booking of the event's ticket.
  • ticket_max - The maximum spaces per booking of the event's ticket.
  • ticket_spaces - The spaces of the event's ticket.
  • category_name - The name of the event's first category.
  • category_link - The link of the event's first category.
  • post meta variables - There are many customizable datas, which can be given to events. These datas are usually stored as "post meta" values and we are asking those values down to put them into variables. Please note that these meta values are customized and they can be stored in many different ways, so it is not 100% that you will receive all your stored values.
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