Whitelisted Domains

Check if your domain is on the whitelist

You can use the check below to see if your domain is on our whitelist. To do the check, simply enter your site URL (without https) and press the Check button. If you see the word "LOCAL" appearing, your domain matches a whitelisted pattern and you can activate it without this activation taking up domain space. However, if you see the domain name, your site is not whitelisted and the activation will take up domain space.

Result of URL check:


Written domain Result What this means
example.com example.com The entered URL is not whitelisted, so the activation will take domkain space.
something.example.com example.com The entered URL is not whitelisted, so the activation will take domkain space.
devsite.com LOCAL The entered URL is whitelistes, so the activation will not take domkain space.

What is a domain usage?

Domain usage is when you install and activate your Smart Slider 3 Pro on your website's domain. The domain usage includes the main domain (yourdomain.com) and subdomains (something.yourdomain.com) and folder installations (yourdomain.com/something) as well.

How do you handle the domain usage?

The way we are handling domain usage is we try to make sure that development domains and localhost domains aren't counted. So we try to make sure that the development domain doesn't take up any domain which means you can activate Smart Slider 3 at the development and live domain at the same time without having to do anything, but activating the license.

What are the current development domains which can be used without taking up activation?

If you activate Smart Slider on any domain that matches any of the following patterns then this activation will not take up domain space:

Exact domain matches

If your development site's domain matches any of the following, you get a free license on the site.

  • accessdomain.com
  • amazonaws.com
  • apache
  • azure.com
  • azurewebsites.net
  • beget.tech
  • blacknighthosting.com
  • closte.com
  • cloudaccess.host
  • cloudapp.net
  • cloudwaysapp.com
  • cloudwaysapps.com
  • dev.cc
  • dream.press
  • elementor.cloud
  • exolnet.com
  • flywheelsites.com
  • flywheelstaging.com
  • gridserver.com
  • initial-website.com
  • instawp.xyz
  • IP domains (e.g.
  • kinsta.cloud
  • kinsta.com
  • lndo.site
  • local
  • localhost
  • mybluehost.me
  • myftpupload.com
  • myraidbox.de
  • nazwa.pl
  • netsons.org
  • nxcli.io
  • nxcli.net
  • odns.fr
  • online-home.us
  • onyx-sites.io
  • pairsite.com
  • pantheonsite.io
  • plesk.page
  • preview-domain.com
  • run.app
  • server-he.de
  • sg-host.com
  • smarthost.pl
  • stagingweb.net
  • temp.domains
  • testurl.ws
  • updraftclone.com
  • upress.link
  • w3pcloud.com
  • websozai.jp
  • webspaceconfig.de
  • wordpress
  • wpengine.com
  • wpmudev.host
  • wpserveur.net
  • wpstagecoach.com
  • wptiger.fr
  • your-server.de
  • sgvps.net
  • tempurl.host
  • xsrv.jp
  • hostingersite.com

Domains, which doesn't contain any dot (like playground ) doesn't count as domain usage either. So, playground gives a free activation, but playground.com or playground.net won't, as these contain a dot.

In addition if your development domain ends with any of the domains above, you're also eligible for a free license.

☝️ Examples

Your development domain URL is samplesite.localhost . The domain here is localhost , which is on the list so you get a free activation.

Your development domain URL is samplesite.pantheonsite.io . The domain here is pantheonsite.io , which is on the list, so you get a free activation.

Your development domain URL is 132.312.123.132 . The domain here is 132.312.123.132 , which is an IP domain, so you get a free activation.

Your development domain URL is website.com.local . The domain here ends with local , which is on the list so you get a free activation.

Your development domain URL is learning . The domain doesn't contain dot, so you get a free activation.

Development domain starts with

You can get free activation if your development domain starts with the following:

  • dev-
  • dev[number][anything].*.* (e.g. dev123-xy.example.com)
  • dev[numbers]. (e.g. dev3.website.com)
  • local.
  • localhost.
  • site[numbers]. (e.g. site02.website.com)
  • stage[numbers]. (e.g. stage25.example.com)
  • staging[numbers]. (e.g. staging25.example.com)
  • webdev.

☝️ Examples

Your development domain URL is dev.example.com . The URL starts with dev. so you get a free activation.

Your development domain URL is stage27.example.com . The URL starts with stage[numbers]. so you get a free activation.

Development domain contains

You can get free activation, if your development domain contains any of the following:

  • -develop.
  • -development.
  • -local.
  • -staging.
  • -test
  • .[anything]dev. (e.g. client.sampledev.com)
  • .apps.
  • .loc
  • .sites.
  • clone[numbers].
  • debug.
  • demo[numbers].
  • dev[numbers][anything].[anything]. (e.g. dev12site.client.com)
  • dev.
  • devel.
  • devel[numbers].
  • devsite
  • intranet
  • sandbox.
  • stage.
  • staging
  • testsite
  • wpengine
  • alpha
  • beta
  • uat.
  • *test*.*.* (e.g. xytestsite.maindomain.com, test123.xy.org, newtest.zzz.uk)
  • tempurl.host
  • sample.

☝️ Examples

Your development domain URL is example-development.com . The domain contains -development. so you get a free activation.

Your development domain URL is mysite.wpengine.com . The domain contains wpengine so you get a free activation.

Your development domain URL is site.mydev.com . The domain matches the .[anything]dev. pattern, so you get a free activation.

Development domain ends with

You can get a free activation, if your development domain ends with the following:

  • -liquidwebsites.com
  • .dev
  • .docksal
  • .loc
  • .local
  • .localdev
  • .test
  • -dev

☝️ Examples

Your development domain URL is rv01-liquidwebsites.com . The domain ends with -liquidwebsites.com so you get a free activation.

Your development domain URL is mydomain.com.dev . The domain ends with .dev so you get a free activation.

Does subdomains or folders on the activated domain count as new domain usage?

No. If you have activated your Smart Slider 3 on one website, you are able to activate it on the subdomains of that website too without using up more licenses. You can see a video here about what does exactly count as subdomain:

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