Smart Slider 3 & Elementor

☝️ Note: You can't edit Smart Slider 3 sliders with any page builder, but you can use them to display a previously created slider.

Check out our related blog post, or find the video and written tutorial below.

Smart Slider 3 and Elementor

How to publish your slider with Elementor?

Video tutorial

Written tutorial

Step 1

Locate Smart Slider 3's widget at the Elementor widget list and drag it to the position where you want to have your slider.

Step 2

Click on the Select Slider button to choose your slider or enter the slider ID.

The selected slider loads in the editor. You can't edit the slider using the page builder, but you can see how it will look like.

How to remove unwanted space before/after the published slider?

When you see some empty space before or after a published slider, that space will most likely come from one of your Elementor elements

You should open Elementor's Navigator, to check through your elements. At all of them, try to set 0 as the margin and padding value.

Possible problems

Problems with our shortcode in Text element


Elementor's text element was not created for shortcodes. It messed up shortcodes in the past and for a while everything seemed to be fine, but now another error came up again with shortcodes in text elements. This messes up our sliders completely.


Don't use text elements with slider shortcodes, but rather use our Smart Slider element.

Elementor popup

We do not support having our slider in Elementor popup! (Nor other plugins/themes created popups.)

If you want to publish a slider inside Elementor popup, you could try to use iframe shortcode, which usually works out, but we do not support having our slider in such placements.

Sticky position

Elementor offers an option to put your elements into sticky positions:

This feature duplicates your element, and due to this, it is not compatible with Smart Slider. You should leave this setting on "None".

Smart Slider element won't appear - The Plus Addons for Elementor plugin

If you do not see the Smart Slider appear on your element list, and you have The Plus Addons for Elementor plugin installed, you should go to ThePlus Settings -> Performance -> Go to widgets manager. This plugin can turn off Elementor elements, and you will probably have Smart Slider being turned off, so you should just turn it on.

Smart Slider with ID: X


Sharing your website's url, where you have Smart Slider 3, you see "Smart Slider with ID:" and the slider's ID number within the description of the given page.


The problem is caused by Elementor and Yoast SEO, that Elementor stores our shortcodes within your page's/post's content as "Smart Slider with ID: X" and because of this our codes cannot run within Yoast SEO to try not show anything in place of the shortcode. Then by default Yoast SEO gets its meta descriptions from the page's/post's contents, so this Elementor stored content.


When you use Yoast SEO give meta description for your pages, posts. That way Yoast SEO won't try to automatically generate them from the content.

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