Layer List

In this article

Where to access the layer list?

Within any layer window, press the layer list icon on the top left.

Layer List options

The Layer list is where you can find all layers you have added to your slide. It's available in the Slide Editor, after you select any layer.


Layer List button

This is the button you can use to open/close the layer list.


Active layer

The active Default layer is marked with a blue color. The active Absolute layer is marked with purple.


Absolute layer badge

Absolute layers are marked with a purple A badge. When selected, the full layer has a purple color.


Layer Menu

You can manage your layer from the Layer menu. Access it by right clicking on the layer, or left clicking the ... button.

Available options:

  • Parent: You can select the layer's parent layer.
  • Duplicate: You can duplicate the layer. (Hotkey: CTRL+D or CMD+D)
  • Hide on: You can hide the layer on different devices.
  • Copy: You can copy the layer. (Hotkey: CTRL+C or CMD+C) If you have a layer animation on your layer, you can copy it here, too.
  • Paste: You can paste layers inside (if it's a Col or the Content layer) or next to the current layer. (Hotkey: CTRL+V or CMD+V)
  • Delete: You can delete the layer. The Slide and the Content layer are not deletable! (Hotkey: Del)
☝️ Note: You can copy layers from one slider to another, as long as both sliders are on the same website.

Close tree icon

Rows and columns can be opened/closed to make the editing easier. The down arrow indicates an opened tree. You can click on it to close it and hide the layers from the layer list.


Rename icon

You can rename your layer to give it a more meaningful name.


Hidden layer

The layer with the crossed eye icon is hidden from the editor. It'll still show up in the preview and frontend.


Show in editor icon

When you hover over a layer's icon in the Layer list an eye icon appears, what you can use to hide it from the editor.


Closed tree

The closed tree is indicated by an arrow pointing to the right. Click on it to open the tree.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to move one layer to another slide?

You can do this by copying the layer and pasting it to the other slide. You can achieve it in three different ways:

Method #1
  1. Open the Layer List and find the layer you want to copy.
  2. Right click on it to open the Layer Menu.
  3. Click on Copy.
  4. Go to the slide you want to paste the layer.
  5. Open the Layer List and select the container where you want to insert the layer.
  6. Right click on the parent and choose Paste in the Layer Menu.
Method #2
  1. Select the layer you want to copy in the Editor.
  2. Right click on it and choose Copy - Layer.
  3. Go to the slide where you want to paste the layer.
  4. Select the container where you want to paste it.
  5. Right click on the parent and choose Paste - Layer(s).
Method #3
  1. Select the layer you want to copy in the Editor.
  2. Press CTRL+C on Windows, or CMD+C on Mac.
  3. Go to the slide where you want to paste the layer.
  4. Select the container where you want to paste it.
  5. Press CTRL+V on Windows, or CMD+V on Mac.
💡 Note: Want to learn more about keyboard shortcuts?
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