Layer Typography & Design

You can find these options at the Layer window → Style tab which you can find at the Slide Editor after selecting a layer.


At the Presets you can save down your Typography and Style settings.

Reset Style to Default

You can reset the changes in your layer's style to the a{default setting}.

Save Style as New Preset

You can save your current changes as a new preset.

Load Style

You can load one of our predefined preset or your own.

You can also override or delete the presets you made.


This is where you can configure the look of your layer.


The font family of your layer. You can select one from the list, or type in your own font name. Learn more about using your own font.


The color of your text.

☝️ Note: We're using 8 digit hex colors everywhere in Smart Slider. This means that 2 extra digits are added to the regular 6 digit hex color, which describe transparency. If your have a regular hex color simply insert it into any color field and the system will change it automatically to the 8 digit hex we use.

For example, if you have the following color from your theme #2986cc and paste it into any color field, you'll see 2986ccff appearing in the color field. These colors are exactly the same, both describe the same blue color with zero transparency.


The size of your text. You can use PX or % values here.

Font weight

This option decides how thick or thin characters in text should be displayed.

Line height

This sets the height of a line.

Text Align

This options specifies the horizontal alignment of text in an element.


You can make your texts italic or underlined.


With this button additional options will be available.

Letter Spacing
☝️ Note: This options is only available after the More button was clicked.

Increases or decreases the space between characters in a text.

Word spacing
☝️ Note: This options is only available after the More button was clicked.

Increases or decreases the white space between words

☝️ Note: This options is only available after the More button was clicked.

You can control the capitalization of text. Available options:

  • None: No capitalization. The text renders as it was typed in. This is the default option.
  • Capitalize: Transforms the first character of each word to uppercase.
  • Uppercase: Transforms all characters to uppercase.
  • Lowercase: Transforms all characters to lowercase.
Text shadow
☝️ Note: This options is only available after the More button was clicked.

Adds shadow to text.

Extra CSS
☝️ Note: This options is only available after the More button was clicked.

You can write your own CSS codes here, without selectors.


Background color

The background color of the layer.


The opacity describes the transparency level, where 100 is not transparent at all, 50% see-through, and 0% is completely transparent.


With this button additional options will be available.

Box shadow
☝️ Note: This options is only available after the More button was clicked.

Attaches a shadow to a layer.

Extra CSS
☝️ Note: This options is only available after the More button was clicked.

You can write your own CSS codes here, without selectors.



You can put border around the layer by setting a border width. After that you will be able to select the color and set the border style.

Border Radius

You can round the layer's corners.



You can put padding to the layer.

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