Can I make the carousel slider to have fix spaces between the slides?
The Carousel type can display the slides with a fix distance when the Justify Slides is set to Center at Slider settings → Animations tab → under Main Animation → Single Switch:
This option puts the slides in the middle and makes them have the distance what you set at the Minimum slide distance.
Without the Justify Slides → Center you can't have the same distance between your slides. If this look is not what you're looking for, then you can find some alternatives in this documentation. We suggest duplicating your slider to have a backup, and then you could change the slider type or just create a completely new slider.
Showcase slider type
In a Showcase slider the space between the slides are fix. But its design is, that you will have one active slide in the middle, as you see for example on our demos, so it will behave differently from a carousel slider.
Simple slider type
With Simple slider type you can use row/col elements. The upside of this design would be, that columns are using % values for their widths, which is probably what you are looking for:
But the downside will be the mobile view. By default we are putting these columns under each other with the wrap after option. If you have 3 or 4 columns, the height of your slider will increase a lot. You could just hide some of the columns, to have a proper slider size, but this way you will have to lose some of your content, which wouldn't happen at a Carousel or Showcase slider.