Vimeo generator

☝️ Note: This generator is only available in the Pro version.

With this generator you are able to select one of your Vimeo showcases to automatically generate slides from its videos.


Step 1

Create an app at Vimeo.

Step 2

Give an App Name and Brief Description to your app.

Choose "No. The only Vimeo accounts that will have access to the app are my own." and agree the terms.

Press Create App.

Step 3

Press Edit settings.

Step 4

Add an App description and write your website's url into the App URL. Press Update to save your settings.

Step 5

Go to our Global Settings → Generators → Vimeo and copy out the Callback url.

Step 6

At your application, on the bottom of the page, press Add URL + under Your callback URLs.

Step 7

Paste the copied Callback url and press Add.

Step 8

Copy the Client identifier of your application.

Step 9

Also copy the secret from Client secrets.

Step 10

Go back to our backend Global Settings → Generators → Vimeo and paste the Client identifier and Client secret there. Then press Request token.

Step 11

This brings up a popup window, where you should Allow your application's access request.

(If the popup won't appear, your browser probably blocks it, so you should change its settings.)

Step 12

After this, a Token will appear and you can move on creating your slider.

Step 13

To get started, go to any Slider Settings page and add a new dynamic slide.

Choose Vimeo .

Step 14

Set up your generator. Choose the settings you want.

You can also click on the View Records button to see the data you'll be creating your slide with.

When you're done, click on Add .

Step 15

After you saved your generator, you'll be redirected to the Slide Editor to set up the look of your slide. You can create your content by using variables.

Not sure what are the variables or how to use them? Learn how to work with variables.


You can use these options to set what you want your generator to show.



You can pick one of your showcases to get the videos from.

Generator Settings

Learn about the Generator Settings at the Generator Settings documentation.


These are the available variables you can use to build your dynamic slide content in the Slide Editor.

Not sure what are the variables or how to use them? Learn how to work with variables.

  • title - The title of the video.
  • description - The description of the video.
  • url - URL of the video.
  • image[width]x[height] - The image of the video with different sizes.
  • imageplay[width]x[height] - The image of the video with a play button on it. This is generated with the available different sizes as well.
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