Known plugin conflicts

In this article

Raw HTML plugin

The Raw HTML plugin is putting <br> tags between the codes of svg images, which is messing up our Shape Dividers, so you shouldn't use this plugin if you want our slider to work well.

Social Media and Share Icons plugin

The Social Media and Share Icons plugin causes errors at the Shape divider's and Particle effect. Their popup window won't show up, because Social Media and Share Icons plugin triggers their code on our page, which shouldn't happen. So to solve this problem, you need to deactivate the Social Media and Share Icons plugin. They have been contacted about the issue on the December 1, 2018. and the problem might get fixed in future versions, so you could try to do an update first to see if that solves the problem!

If you don't have this plugin installed, look for JavaScript errors or run a plugin/theme conflict test.

Max Mega Menu plugin


The slider gets visible when the mouse is over the area where it should be.

Cause of the problem:

Max Mega Menu plugin uses "visibilily: hidden" to hide submenus, instead of using display: none, which is the proper way to do it. As a result, the slider is not hidden, so it's still over the elements of your page, you just can't see it. You can find an example that illustrates the difference here.


Add this CSS to your theme's CSS giving option, or to Customizer → Additional CSS:

li.mega-menu-item .n2-section-smartslider{
    display: none;

li.mega-menu-item.mega-animating .n2-section-smartslider,
li.mega-menu-item.mega-toggle-on .n2-section-smartslider{

CM Tooltip Glossary plugin


The published sliders aren't showing up. Part of the JavaScript code is written out on the website.


Exclude Smart Slider from CM Tooltip Glossary with one of these options:

  1. Within CM Tooltip Glossary's settings add the n2-section-smartslider,fitvidsignore,n2_clear classes to the Excluded HTML Classes option at Settings → General Settings tab → Term highlighting block
  2. If you are using shortcodes, wrap them around with [glossary_exclude][/glossary_exclude]
  3. Turn off Search for glossary items on this post/page where you use a slider.

JCH Optimize


Display issues with the sliders. There could be wrong slider, layer or control sizes and positions, so the slider just looks messed up.


This plugin has a JavaScript error which might break Smart Slider.

Also, it has been closed in 2020 and hasn't received any updates since 2018 which means it can have compatibility issues with WordPress itself. For this reason we recommend removing this plugin.

Netbase Widgets For SiteOrigin

This plugin adds a background image to every SVG and breaks SSL.

The plugin has been closed in 2018 and hasn't received any updates since 2017 which means it can have compatibility issues with WordPress itself. For this reason we recommend removing this plugin.

Simply Exclude

This plugin breaks the filtering options of the dynamic slide generators when Query Filtering is set to All Loops .

Also, the plugin hasn't received any updates since 2015 and the latest WordPress version it was tested on is 4.2.31 which means it can have compatibility issues with WordPress itself. For this reason we recommend removing this plugin.

WP Hide & Security Enhancer

This plugin breaks Smart Slider 3 AJAX calls if custom admin url enabled.

Forget About Shortcode Buttons

This plugin breaks JavaScript in the admin area. Update to 2.1.2 or newer where the problem seems to be solved.

T4 framework (e.g t4_bs5_blank template)

The T4 Framework replaces a lot of  data attributes in the HTML code of pages to data-bs , which messes up Smart Slider and prevents it from working properly. From the coding side we can't do anything about that, so the only solution is to change the plugin order at your admin menu: System → Plugins (under Manage) → at "Filter options" select the "system" type plugins → move the Smart Slider 3 System Plugin under T4 System .

T3 framework

The T3 Framework offers options, to call in your own custom JS and CSS codes. Some of these codes only load into your website, if T3 Framework is in front of Smart Slider 3 in your Plugins list. So make sure, that your plugin order is fine, at your admin menu:

System → Plugins (under Manage) → at "Filter options" select the "system" type plugins → have Smart Slider 3 System Plugin under T3 Framework .

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