DOMException: The source image cannot be decoded.

JavaScript error message
DOMException: The source image cannot be decoded.

Something is wrong with at least one of your slide background images, as some of those images cannot load.

  • Next to this JavaScript error message, you might see another message with a 404 or 403 error pointing to the image/images. Check the url of those images. This could help identifying problems, like your image was actually deleted; or there is a problem regarding the url, for example it still points to the development domain.
  • At your slider's settings -> Optimize tab, turn off all Convert to WebP and Resize options. These are recreating your images, but due to possible server configuration issues, the new images might cannot be created.
  • Turn off every cache/optimization plugin. They often offer image lazy loading with bugs.
  • Use Health check & troubleshooting plugin, to check if another plugin/theme causes the issue.
  • If you are using 70+ images in your slider, that could be problematic too.
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