Activation (license)

The activation essential to turn on the update indicator, and to be able to download the premium sample sliders. You need to activate every Smart Slider installation individually.


Make sure the Pro version is installed before proceeding. The easiest way to verify which version you are using if you open the Info Popup on your Dashboard, which writes your currently installed Smart Slider 3 version and whether the free or pro version was installed. If you have the free version installed, update it to the Pro version.

Activating Smart Slider 3 Pro

You can activate Smart Slider 3 Pro as you can see on the video. You'll also find written instructions below.

Activation box

Once you have the Pro version installed, go to the Dashboard of Smart Slider and find the activation box, then click on the Activate button.

Popup - Login

After clicking on the Activate button, a popup window will appear where you need to login with your credentials.

Select your package

After the successful login, press the Activate button at your package.

Pop-up Activation

Common issues

I can't see the Activation box

This problem can happen for two very common reason.

  1. You have the free version installed. Check the version number of your Smart Slider 3 at the Info Popup on the Dashboard. You'll see the exact version number and whether it's the pro or free version.

    Solution: Replace your free version with the Pro one like this

  2. You have an old Smart Slider 3 Pro version, which was not activated yet.

    Solution: do an alternative update.

I can't see any packages after logging in at the pop-up window

You probably logged in with another account from what you used for your purchase. Please check your other email addresses to figure out which one is connected to your order! If you are sure you logged in the correct account please get in touch with us by clicking the Contact us link appearing in the pop-up window as you see here:

Account has no order

I can't see an activate button at my account

It is happening, because you purchased a package with limited domain usage, and they were used up.


Clicking on the Activate button opens the same page in a new tab

This error usually happens because of a JavaScript error. Look for errors and try to identify the plugin/extension that's causing them. If the URL where the error is coming from gives any clue, temporarily disable the plugin/extension and try again.

If you see the following error message: _N2.License is not a constructor this usually happens because of a browser caching. Try doing a hard refresh (Ctrl+F5 on Windows, CMD+Shift+R on Mac) or try a different browser for the activation.

Clicking the Activate button opens the account area without the activation button

This error usually happens because of certain HTTP headers that doesn't allow us to interact with the opened popup properly. The most common header that causes problems is:

cross-origin-opener-policy: same-origin; report-to="default"

It generally needs to be changed to the following to allow the proper interaction with the popup:

cross-origin-opener-policy: same-origin-allow-popups; report-to="default"

Contact your server host and ask them to change this header value for you!

Another symptom of this problem can be the popup opening and closing immediately.

Both the "Your license is active" and the "Activate your license" texts appear at the same time

This problem usually happens because of a cache. In most cases, the problem is related to the browser's caching. Try clearing the browser cache and perform a hard refresh (Ctrl+F5 on Windows, CMD+Shift+R on Mac). You could also use incognito window (which don't use the browser's previous caches) or another browser for the activation process.

Another, less common cause is a server related cache, or a 3rd party theme or extension that causes JavaScript errors. If you have any kind of caching, clear it. Otherwise, try looking for JavaScript errors and look at the URL of the file causing the problem. This could give a hint to the 3rd party that causes the problem. You could temporarily turn it off for the activation then contact its developers for a solution.

Activation doesn't works in Microsoft Edge

The activation is not supported in the old Microsoft Edge, which is not based on Chromium. If you have that old Microsoft Edge browser use another browser instead!

I don't own a Smart Slider 3 Pro package or it's expired

If you haven't purchased, or your package has expired (for example, because you asked and received a refund), you can get a new license with a new purchase. If you already have a new package, you should activate your Smart Slider 3 Pro again.

Where is my license key?

Smart Slider does not have license keys anymore. The activation is only possible by following the steps above.

If you're using a very old Smart Slider version that asks for a license key, first you'll need to manually update to the latest version, and you'll be able to activate afterwards. Follow these articles to perform the manual update:

If you have a new version, just follow the activation process.

Smart Slider 3 Pro license is not registered on the current domain

The following error message displays when you try to update Smart SlideR:

Update failed: Smart Slider 3 Pro license is not registered on the current domain.
Possible causes
Site was recently moved and the new domain was not reactivated

The most common cause of the error above is that you've recently changed your domain and have not reactivated your license after that. Follow these steps and activate Smart Slider on your new domain.

Every Smart Slider 3 Pro installation must be activated individually!

Old Smart Slider Activation

If checking your account shows your domain should be activated, then the problem will be that our license system changed a while ago and older activations might not work properly with it anymore. You should reactivate your domain and it should be fine.

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