Instagram generator

⚠️ Warning: Meta (the owner of Facebook and Instagram) has a lot of limitations related to their APPs, and here is a list of them: 

  • You need to have a HTTPS website, so an SSL certificate is required on your site. 
  • You need to manually request a new token in every two month. At our Global settingsGenerators → Instagram our system will write out when that two month ends to help you track it.



Step 1

Go to

Step 2

Press Create app.

Step 3

Select Other and press Next.

Step 4

Choose Consumer app type and press Next.

Step 5

Add a Display name, make sure the email address is correct and press Create App.

Step 6

Press Set up at Instagram Basic Display.

Step 7

Enter Settings → Basic, where you should add these details:

Privacy Policy URL: This should point to a live page, where the privacy policy of your website is explained.

User Data Deletion: select Data Deletion Instructions URL which should point to a live page, where users can contact you.

Step 8

At the bottom of this page, select + Add Platform.

Step 9

Choose Website and press Next.

Step 10

Into the Site URL enter the url of your website (including https://) and press Save changes.

Step 11

Go to Instagram Basic Display - Basic Display.

Step 12

Press Create New App.

Step 13

Add a Display name and press Create.

Step 14

Go to Smart Slider's admin area → Global settings → Generators.

Step 15

Enter the Instagram generator's settings, and copy out the Callback Url.

Step 16

Go back to your application and insert the Callback Url into the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs field.

Step 17

The Deauthorize Callback URL and Data Deletion Request URL won't really be used, but it is required to fill it, so just enter your website's url into these fields.

Step 18

Save your changes and press the Add or Remove Instagram Testers button.

Step 19

Press Add Instagram Testers and enter your Instagram username.

Step 20

Go back to Instagram Basic Display - Basic Display and copy out the Instagram App ID and Instagram App Secret.

Step 21

Insert them into our admin area.

Step 22

Go to and at Tester Invites accept the invitation.

Step 23

Go back to our admin area and press Request Token.

Step 24

Allow the requested information in the popup window.

Step 25 - Create a dynamic slide

To get started, go to any Slider Settings page and add a new dynamic slide. Choose Instagram .

Step 26 - Configure the generator

Set up your generator. Choose the settings you want.

You can also click on the View Records button to see the data you'll be creating your slide with.

When you're done, click on Add .

Step 27 - Edit the dynamic slide

After you saved your generator, you'll be redirected to the Slide Editor to set up the look of your slide. You can create your content by using variables.

Not sure what are the variables or how to use them? Learn how to work with variables.


You can use these options to set what you want your generator to show.

Allow Single Images
Get posted single images.
Allow Albums

Get posted album images.

Allow Videos

Get posted videos.


These are the available variables you can use to build your dynamic slide content in the Slide Editor.

Not sure what are the variables or how to use them? Learn how to work with variables.

  • caption - Caption of the posted content
  • image - Url of the posted image
  • video - Url of the posted video
  • link - Link to the Instagram post
  • created - Creation date

Common Error Messages

Error validating access token

Error message
Oops, Something Went Wrong
Error validating access token: The user has not authorized application 4509553732495203.

Cause of the problem

This problem happens when the app permission was removed at Instagram. To solve the problem, request a new token.

Wrong app ID is used

Error message

The following error message is displayed when you try to request a new token:

{"error_type": "OAuthException", "code": 400, "error_message": "Invalid platform app"}

Cause of the problem

This problem happens when you copy the ID and Secret of the Facebook app, and not the Instagram app. Make sure you copy the ID and secret from the Instagram Basic Display - Basic Display.

Application does not have permission

Error message
Oops, Something Went Wrong
Application does not have permission for this action

Cause of the problem

The User media  permission was removed from your app, or it was never granted. To solve the problem, request a new token and make sure you grand the Media  permission

Expired token

Error message

Oops, Something Went Wrong
Error validating access token: The user has not authorized application 1234567890
Cause of the problem

The tokens you requests for your Instagram app expire in 2 months. So if you see this message, you'll need to request a new token.

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