⚠️ Warning: Our updates weren't made to be backwards compatible! If you update your Smart Slider, don't try to downgrade it to a lower version, because that could create errors!
Upcoming fixes and features
- All known issues are fixed.
- Feature: New Instagram generator. On December 4, Meta deprecated the Instagram Basic Display API, and because of this, we needed to develop a completely new generator using a different API. With this change, you will need to create a new API following the documentation's steps.
- Feature: The latest background animation limitations are hardcoded now, to avoid wrong usage.
- Feature: Joomla articles generator new variables.
- Feature: Title attribute for slide thumbnail.
- Fix: Slide title arrow width calculation can be wrong.
- Fix: WooCommerce generator PHP warning when product has empty gallery.
- Fix: At WordPress Posts generators taxonomies with the same name overwrote each other.
- Fix: Divi won't display Smart Slider module names, which are within groups.
- Fix: Input layer's text is rendered incorrectly by Safari during typing.
- Fix: Counter layer's numbers aren't always updated by Safari.
- Fix: Alias slide switching and Maintain session compatibility.
- Feature: Improved accessibility.
- Fix: Custom posts generator supressed PHP notice fixed.
- Fix: Customizer breaks in some cases.
- Fix: Sliding main animation doesn't moves slides together.
- Fix: Animated heading layer has unwanted margin, when a h tag is selected.
- Other: Black Friday sale notification removed. (WordPress Free only)
- Feature: Improved accessibility.
- Other: Black Friday sale notification added.
- Feature: Hide layer when variable is not empty option at dynamic slides.
- Feature: Asset (css, js) injector code improved.
- Feature: New category variables for Event Booking generator.
- Feature: Active thumbnails will get aria-current="true" attribute.
- Feature: Container element of bullets will get role="group" attribute.
- Feature: Aria-label option for the container element of bullets.
- Feature: Blockquote option for Heading layer.
- Fix: At Carousel slider type if "single switch" is turned off, and "fade" main animation is being used, then some slides disappear upon window resizing.
- Fix: VirtueMart generator will watch image ordering to define which is the main image.
- Fix: Some background animations are buggy in Chrome, so we rewrote them to use a different animation system. This change came with a limitation, that the new system only works well with "fill" image fill mode.
- Fix: Eshop generator compatibility with latest Eshop.
- Fix: Post IDs option cleared the given post's cache at every page visit.
- Fix: WordPress free installer will include unminified js and css files.
- Fix: Generic font family names won't have quotemarks around them.
- Fix: Autoplay button didn't have width and height attributes.
- Fix: The Events Calendar generator created a PHP notice.
- Fix: At WordPress Posts generator if you have a meta data or ACF data with a name already used as a variable, it can get overwritten.
- Fix: Security improvements for image uploads.
- Fix: Only allow files with WordPress allowed mime types to be uploaded.
- Fix: Joomla's Legal MIME Types setting will be used to check, if a file can be uploaded or not.
- Fix: The Resize and Convert to webp features could have issues with images from certain external servers.
- Feature: Youtube videos cannot be started until they fully loaded, but from now on, we will detect early click actions on them and try to start the video once it loaded, as long as it is not prevented by a browser limitation.
- Feature: Smart Slider module support for custom error pages (like 404 pages) in Joomla 4 and 5.
- Feature: New JoomShopping generator for Joomla 4 and 5.
- Feature: Handling manually messed up lightbox links better.
- Fix: Instragram generator token requesting doesn't work. We needed to change the Callback Url to fix this, so after updating Smart Slider, go to your application and do step 14, 15 and 16 again!
- Fix: Convert to WebP does not convert some external images.
- Fix: Symlinked folders did not work with our Joomla media manager.
- Fix: Nextgen Gallery generator update.
- Fix: Ignite Gallery generator update.
- Fix: Joomla 5 compatibility.
- Fix: Joomla article frontend editing in some cases changes shortcodes into slider html codes.
- Fix: VirtueMart generator's default language changed to the language set in VirtueMart.
- Removed: Black Friday sale notification removed.
- Fix: Previous widget rendering fix undone. Our widget will render, even when the theme doesn't supports it, because you can use widgets in themes that way too.
- Fix: WP Compress compatibility.
- Fix: Our widget won't render, when the theme doesn't supports it.
- Fix: Post meta comparison does not work with 'exists' or 'not exists' compare method.
- Fix: Randomize first causes PHP error, when a slider doesn't have any slides.
- Fix: Ignite gallery generator has an error with SVG images.
- Fix: WordPress sanitization removes groupping from multi select lists, for example from Custom posts generator's taxonomies.
- Fix: Firefox cannot handle the background parallax without lagging, so we won't use this feature in Firefox browsers anymore.
- Fix: YouTube layer's video won't start on mobiles when the video is started before the page completely loaded.
- Fix: Row and Column background colors can create an error message in PHP 8.1+, when their color codes only contain numbers.
- Fix: The path of some images created PHP errors.
- Fix: iOS devices opened parent element links twice, when a text layer was clicked on them.
- Feature: Iframe Title option for Vimeo layer.
- Other: Black Friday sale notification added.
- Other: Spanish translation update. Thanks Rodrigo!
- Removed: A fix for an old Safari bug won't be needed anymore, as it got resolved quite a while ago.
- Removed: Joomla Module layer got deprecated in Joomla 4 and 5.
2023. 08. 14.
- Fix: In WordPress 6.3, in some block themes the page editor, site editor or widget manager won't load next to Smart Slider.
2023. 08. 08.
- Fix: WP Grid Builder conflict, which made WP Grid Builder's checkbox filtering not work.
- Fix: Gutenberg compatibility for WordPress 6.3
- Fix: Extra mouse buttons (like "back" button) won't open links in sliders any longer.
- Fix: PHP8 compatibility.
- Fix: Sliders did not show up on websites using Perfmatters plugin.
- Fix: Wrong slider titles were written out within SiteOrigin Page Builder.
- Fix: Sliders sometimes did not load on websites using WP Meteor plugin.
- Feature: VirtueMart generator's language fields became dropdowns instead of text inputs.
- Feature: The "Image Width" setting of arrows and autoplay buttons are now available in the Free version too.
- Feature: Playsinline attribute added to all videos, to avoid them being opened fullscreen by default on iOS devices.
- Removed: Twitter generator got deprecated, because its API creation price became $100/month.
- Removed: Facebook generator was already deprecated, but just with a notice. Now its codes were finally removed.
2023. 06. 09.
- Feature: Google font list got updated.
- Feature: Norwegian language update.
- Fix: Jetpack conflict could cause 500 Internal Server Error, or PHP error message appear.
- Fix: When multiple background videos are used in one slider and vertical main animation is used, scrolling away stops the not-active videos.
- Removed: JetPack Photon image optimizer option got deprecated, because it creates too many possible issues.
2023. 05. 18.
- Fix: Block themes only display shortcodes instead of sliders in WordPress 6.2.1.
- Fix: Beaver Builder row duplication issue, when Smart Slider is in the row.
2023. 05. 09.
- Feature: Database managing codes got updated.
- Feature: Norwegian translation.
- Feature: Hebrew translation.
- Feature: Joomla articles generator code updated to avoid input setting caused errors.
- Fix: Gutenberg plugin conflict.
- Fix: PHP8.2.4+ compatibility code.
- Fix: Image layer alt tag and title was encoded twice.
- Fix: Show editor icon option did not work in Text Editor mode.
- Fix: Some database column length limitations got increased.
- Fix: Meta (FB, Instagram) image files don't always have the extension, which is indicated in their filenames. This caused issues with the Resize and Convert to webp options.
2023. 02. 15.
- Feature: PHP 8.2 compatibility.
- Feature: Options for lightboxed videos.
- Feature: Analyze & Repair option for Joomla, to handle database issues.
- Fix: Touch JS codes won't affect one slide sliders, for better scrolling experience.
- Fix: Shortcode sanitization to strengthen security.
- Fix: Run Joomla update codes, even if you don't enter Smart Slider's dashboard.
- Fix: Downgraded Smart Sliders create a database error, which made the latest Smart Slider not work either.
- Other: Spanish translation update. Thanks Rodrigo!
2023. 01. 09.
⚠️ Warning: Due to MySQL 8.0 compatibility related changes in the database this version is not backwards compatible.
- Feature: Google font list is updated.
- Feature: New Repair HTML error option for the HTML layer.
- Feature: The lottie-player tag added to the tag validation of the HTML layer.
- Feature: Adding enablejsapi=1 parameter to YouTube videos in lightbox.
- Feature: Added support for a couple of HTML tags in the heading and text layer to allow WooCommerce to display the on-sale product's price properly.
- Feature: Image description, class and caption are now available as variables at the Joomla article generator.
- Feature: Better ordering at the Images from Folder generator and and "exclude resized images" code updated for better result.
- Feature: RSS generator will ask down namespace attributes too.
- Feature: Youtube layer will support urls too. But you should note, that still the YouTube And Vimeo Privacy Enhanced Mode setting defines, whether your videos come from or from!
- Feature: Private Vimeo url support for Lightbox.
- Fix: Not selecting a slider in Avada Builder could cause PHP errors.
- Fix: Joomla update codes were updated to ensure that every database update runs properly and not cause errors.
- Fix: The Events Calendar Pro compatibility fix after their huge update, that caused the events not being accessible with default WordPress functions.
- Fix: Compatibility fix for WoodMart theme.
- Fix: Actions will now work properly on the Slide Link.
- Fix: MySQL 8.0 compatibility fix, where "system" is a reserved keyword so we'll no longer use it as a column name.
- Fix: The custom play button was not exported with the slider.
- Fix: Divi module to ensure that Divi sets the proper slider. (You might need to re-pick your sliders, if you haven't changed the default value at the Divi module, as in that case your slider was not saved.)
- Fix: Compatibility fix for Events Manager generator to avoid trying to create image variable when no image is selected.
- Fix: Avada Builder compatibility fix to ensure that the slider loads properly into the builder.
- Fix: On the Smart Slider admin area the shortcode did not appear correctly when Gutenberg's "edit slider" button was leading you to the slider settings page.
- Other: Polish translation added for the Countdown layer.
- Other: Russian translation update.
- Removed: MijoShop and K2 generators got deprecated.
- Removed: Facebook generator got deprecated, due to their user and developer-unfriendly application management.
2022. 11. 15.
- Feature: New Slide Library theme: Nala.
- Feature: Developers can now create custom generators for Joomla.
- Feature: Public PHP API now allows importing a project into a group.
- Feature:
variable for the Joomla article generator. - Fix: RankMath SEO compatibility that caused problems within the Media Library in certain configurations.
- Fix: The last column could be deleted from the row if the row had a nested layer causing errors.
- Fix: Fix for 3D effect (like at the Showcase slider type) in Firefox.
- Fix: The notice at the Change Slider Type modal was fixed so it no longer writes out HTML code but actually bolds the texts.
- Fix: Default slider background color fixed at the Carousel slider type.
- Fix: Full page slider height calculation fix for cases when the offset selector height changes.
- Fix: Output buffer fix to avoid WP-CLI issues.
- Fix: In rare cases the Advanced positioning of the controls could cause delays and prevent switching to mobile and tablet view in the Editor.
- Fix: Ionos performance compatibility.
- Fix: Defined List layer default margin, to avoid theme/template CSS codes modifying its placement.
- Fix: Frontend article editing messed up sliders in Joomla 4.
- Fix: Usercentrics cookie consent plugin compatibility.
- Fix: WP Rocket compatibility that makes Smart Slider automatically excluded from WP Rocket's Delay JavaScript execution feature.
- Fix: Compatibility fix for Zoho CRM Lead Magnet plugin.
- Fix: Smart Slider will no longer break if
is defined. - Fix: Activate button didn't work from the Info Popup.
- Fix: Default value is set to Smart Slider Divi module to ensure proper slider selection.
- Fix: Improved security to avoid Javascript codes from admin area fields.
2022. 09. 29.
- Fix: Improved security during slider import
2022.09.26. - Joomla, WordPress Pro
⚠️ Warning: From this version Smart Slider requires WordPress 5.0 or newer! (WordPress 6.x is supported.)
- Feature: Notice, when NONCE_SALT constant is not defined.
- Feature: YouTube layer will support YouTube shorts URLs too.
- Feature: From now on the Video, Vimeo and YouTube layers will be used in Default positioning when a related generator is used.
- Feature: The Export at the Bulk Actions will no longer create a zip file when only one slider is exported.
- Feature: Notice when the Autoplay is enabled in a slider that contains a single slide.
- Fix: Analyze and Repair now fix
issues within the slider's tables. - Fix: Joomla 3 article generator images used relative URLs, while they should have been absolute URLs.
- Fix: Split by words advanced generator function caused PHP error, when the length of the word was shorter than the
value. - Fix: Better specify
location to avoid problems in certain cases. - Fix: Finish autoplay did not stop at last slide, when carousel was turned off.
- Fix: Better server configuration caused error handling related to
. - Fix: Improved check for minimum system requirements.
- Fix: Meta Post Comparison's Compare method field rendered wrongly.
- Fix: Save Fonts Locally option at Google fonts didn't work.
- Fix:
query string added to the CSS file the Save Fonts Locally option generates. - Fix: WebGL JavaScript library warnings appeared in developer console at some background animations.
- Fix: When you use a YouTube video in a lightbox the suggestions at the end of your video will come from the video's channel.
- Other: The minimum WordPress version Smart Slider requires is now 5.0. (WordPress 6.x is supported, too.)
- Other: The update error message was changed on sites which tried to update Smart Slider 3 Pro without activation for that site. The new message should provide better clarification.
- Other: The Spanish translation is updated. Thanks, Rodrigo!
- Feature: Privacy filter is now available at YouTube playlist generator.
- Feature: Improved notice when the Autoplay is used on a single slide to avoid confusion.
- Feature: Remove shortcodes option at Joomla generator.
- Fix: Major overhaul of the way the plugin deals with options. This should fix a some bugs and provide improved security.
- Fix: Eshop manufacturer URL is now returned correctly.
- Fix: WooCommerce generator could cause PHP error in certain cases when the product image was not set.
- Fix: Joomla custom fields could cause PHP error in the Joomla article generator.
- Other: Spanish translation updated. Thanks, Rodrigo!
- Other: PHP related conflicts were renamed at the Debug Information to more accurately reflect the cause of the conflict.
- Feature:
tag is now allowed in text layer. - Feature: Background videos will accept query parameters in their URL.
- Fix: Slide link is no longer auto populated at Vimeo and YouTube generator.
- Fix: Allow data protocol when Jetpack is active to avoid it removing the arrows and other base64 images.
- Fix: Before After layer fixed on RTL.
- Fix: Strengthened security.
- Fix: PHP compatibility fix at YouTube generator.
- Fix: Entering the token at the Facebook generator could cause PHP error in rare cases.
- Fix: Ignite gallery generator code updated.
- Fix: PHP 8.1. compatibility fixes
- Fix: The Max Count will run after the Reverse option from now on.
- Fix: Cancel event did not work.
- Removed: The muted option was removed from the Background videos, as browsers don't allow any autoplay with sound, so turning it on would result the background video never play.
- Other: Spanish translation updated. Thanks, Rodrigo!
- Other: Dutch translation updated. Thanks, Frank!
- Feature: Now you can add Aria label attribute to the icon at the Image Box layer.
- Feature: Translation added for the Countdown layer for the available languages. We used Google Translate for the translations, if you find wrong strings, let us know!
- Fix: Improved check for valid values at layer content and name.
- Fix: Removed the requirement for the DOM in WordPress versions. We'll use
instead. - Fix: Aria-role attribute is renamed to role.
- Fix: Running conditions were refactored on Joomla.
- Fix: Compatibility fix for the latest versions of Ignite Gallery.
- Fix: A couple of strings were left out from the translation (like the default text of the Animated heading layer). From now on these texts are translatable, too.
- Fix: Compatibility fix for SP Page Builder.
- Other: Spanish Translation update. Thanks, Rodrigo!
2022.05.04. - Joomla, WordPress Pro
- Fix: Major overhaul of the way the plugin deals with options. This should fix a some bugs and provide improved security. To enhance security the "JavaScript callbacks" option was removed from the WordPress Free version. If you need to write custom codes to manipulate the slider follow this guide to learn how. For HTML validity reasons most tags are no longer supported in layers, including the Text layer.
- Fix: Font resizer is fixed on Joomla 4
- Other: Spanish translation updated. Thanks, Rodrigo!
2022.04.20. Joomla, WordPress Pro
- Feature: The custom product image ordering is now supported in the VirtueMart generator.
- Feature: The
variable is now available at 10Web Photo Gallery generator. - Feature: The ACF field and meta data are now available as variables at The Events Calendar generator.
- Feature: The audio layer now supports dynamic data.
- Fix: compatibility.
- Fix: Grabbing cursor now properly displays when the slides are switching with mouse grabbing.
- Fix: 10Web Photo Gallery generator PHP notice fixed in rare cases.
- Fix: Database name prefix added to the 10Web Photo Gallery generator to ask tags properly.
- Fix: Transition layer was buggy in Safari.
- Fix: Fix for a
Deprecated: preg_match(): Passing null to parameter #4
error in rare cases. - Fix: Desktop retina image set at the Image Manager now properly displays when the Large Desktop view is enabled.
- Fix: The CSS code that hides the Bullet thumbnail was strengthened to avoid 3rd party codes overriding it and messing up the layout.
- Fix: The
tag for the Slide CSS will only be added to the HTML if it has any content. - Fix: Eshop generator URLs are fixed at the
variable. - Fix: The old default family, Montserrat is not used anymore at the backend so its call was removed.
- Fix: The timezone offset label was unified at the generators.
- Fix: Elementor has deprecated the
method so from 3.6.0 and above we use the newregister
method to include the Smart Slider widget to Elementor. - Fix: Compatibility fix for the T4 framework.
- Fix: Compatibility fix for the FLEXIcontent generator on Joomla 4.
- Fix: Empty SKUs are now ignored at the Products by IDs and/or SKUs generator.
- Fix: Compatibility fix for Divi on PHP 8.
- Other: Swedish translation for the countdown layer.
- Other: Translation related improvements, including unifying texts that do the same action on different places.
- Other: The numbers at the Before After layer are no longer translatable.
- Other: Spanish translation is updated. Thanks, Rodrigo!
- Other: Notice about Facebook and Instagram generators requiring HTTPS website has been changed to better suit Joomla users.
- Removed: The redSHOP generator has been deprecated and removed, as it doesn't supports Joomla 3.10 and Joomla 4.
- Removed: DJ Classifieds generator was deprecated quite a while ago, but its files were left behind. Now they are removed.
- Feature: Save Fonts Locally option to cache Google Fonts at Global settings → Fonts.
- Feature: Images from folder generator - filename include/exclude options.
- Feature: Instagram generator
- Fix: Sliders in trashed group will no longer show up at the Joomla module's slider selector.
- Fix: Countdown layer now displays the correct icon at the Add Panel.
- Fix: Updating from really old Smart Slider versions might caused a PHP notice to appear.
- Fix: Stronger CSS codes for the Image Area layer to ensure proper display.
- Fix: Vertical Text bar had an error that prevented the proper display when the Animated option was enabled.
- Fix: Use the YouTube And Vimeo Privacy Enhanced Mode global option at the lightboxes as well.
- Fix: Smart Slider element doesn't work within Elementor Pro when WooCommerce is also installed on the website.
- Fix: Weglot plugin's language switcher appeared in page builder created sliders.
- Fix: Mobile Firefox slide swiping didn't worked well, as mobile Firefox won't allow to stop page scroll any longer.
- Fix: Better error handling for cases when the WebP support is disabled on the server to avoid PHP errors.
- Fix: JSON from url generator on high error reporting gave 'undefined variable' error.
- Fix: Dynamic slides didn't accepted variables in color fields.
- Fix: Joomla article generator - Joomla 4 compatibility with other extensions.
- Fix: Joomla article generator - support for some non-latin characters in file/folder names.
- Fix: WordPress posts generator code optimization and Elementor compatibility.
- Fix: Slider in trashed group appeared in WordPress admin bar.
- Fix: Device selector overflowed the Layer Window when many breakpoints were enabled.
- Fix:
class added to the main div that contains thess3-force-full-width
elements to make theClear Before
option work properly. - Fix: Joomla free update on PHP 8.
- Fix: Smart Slider display fixed in Tatsu builder.
- Fix: Compatibility fix for lower WordPress versions which use the classic widgets.
- Fix: Images in folder and subfolders generator's "order" option caused a PHP error.
- Removed: All-in-One Event Calendar dynamic slide generator had to be deprecated due to their 3.0.0 code updates, which made their data inaccessible for 3rd party developers.
- Deprecated: Slider's Inline JavaScript option.
- Other: Spanish translation updated. Thanks, Rodrigo!
- Other: Google font list updated with latest fonts
- Other: Links updated in the Help Section to point to more appropriate help articles.
2022. 01. 14.
- Feature: New Shape Dividers.
- Feature: Pagination and Search options in the Dashboard.
- Feature: The Category default post cover is not available as a variable at the EasyBlog generator.
- Feature: Download, playback speed and picture in picture options are removed from MP4 videos in the lightbox.
- Feature: The variable selector is now available at the column and row background colors.
- Feature: We'll use pointer cursor at the thumbnails to indicate that they're clickable.
- Feature: Perfmatter compatibility improvements.
- Feature: WooCommerce generator now only displays those categories, which have at least one product in them.
- Fix: Images in folder generator now properly fetches the images if a full path is set.
- Fix: If WebP image is selected as slide background or as a layer image, the resize options will optimize this picture as well.
- Fix: Overflow hidden is added to vertical thumbnails to allow rounded borders.
- Fix: Don't show arrow in lightbox when the Backgrounds in Lightbox feature is used and there's only one slide.
- Fix: Firefox changed the default background color of the select tag, which creates less contrast between the text and background. We changed it back to white.
- Fix: The color picker allowed saving a 7 digit color code, which resulted a bad color.
- Fix: The Play on Load, Plan on and Mode options are removed from the Block type as they require a slider to work properly.
- Fix: Margin and padding values are not translatable in the Slide editor UI.
- Fix: BestWebSoftGalleries generator will not display all available categories properly.
- Fix: Optimize images option now works on full URLs.
- Fix: The group order at Change group will be alphabetical from now on.
- Fix: Start delay couldn't adjust the size of the Timeline, which caused the Start delay to display wrong.
- Fix: The YouTube layer didn't always recognize the URLs properly.
- Fix: Static Overlay background options caused error when the only slide in the slider is a Static Overlay.
- Fix: Smart Slider's custom widget area will now properly display the publishing instructions.
- Fix: Background Blur could show up even if the fill mode was not set to Blur fit.
- Fix: Countdown layer could produce an hour difference on Joomla.
- Other: Spanish translation updated. Thanks, Rodrigo!
- Other: The es_ES.po and renamed to es.po and respectively to support all Spanish languages.
- Feature: The old background animations are allowed again when the fill mode is not
, but anything else. - Feature: Private Vimeo video support at the Vimeo generator.
- Feature: You can now customize the Loading animation delay time.
- Feature: Countdown layer
- Fix: Vimeo changed the urls of Private videos! You need to reenter your Private Vimeo video url, to make it work correctly.
- Fix: Image layer box shadow now shows up in the Slide Editor.
- Fix: Jevents generator urls could have been wrong in old Jevents versions, or when repeated events weren't set up.
- Fix:
control variable now works properly when Single Switch is enabled. - Fix: Shape Divider height didn't work properly in editor.
- Fix: We fixed an error that happened because Elementor has deprecated the
method we used to create our Elementor Widget. - Fix: Compatibility fixes with Perfmatters.
- Fix: The Shape Divider window didn't load if the slider was hidden on mobile.
- Fix: Before After layer could scroll when the divider was moved.
- Fix: The old Smart Slider WordPress widget can be moved back to Elementor using the
constant. As a result the sliders won't be missing after the update. - Fix: The slider resize didn't always get triggered on mobile when the device was rotated.
- Fix: The
When ended
→Go to next slide
option will no longer trigger the Scroll to slider behavior at the video layers. - Fix: Joomla 4 changed how article images are being stored. The article generator's code was modified to this.
- Other: Dutch translation added. Thanks, Frank!
- Other: Spanish translation updated. Thanks, Rodrigo!
- Feature: New layer, Before After is now available in Pro version.
- Feature: The
is added to the links which are not used for page navigation. For example the next slide or previous slide action. - Feature: Background blur option for the Blur fit fill mode.
- Feature: You can now set a fallback slider that will display instead of the current slider when the current slider has no published slides.
- Fix: Elementor will no longer open their own lightbox when ours is used.
- Fix: Focus is removed from the button after the link action is triggered.
- Fix: Divi Builder plugin has strong codes so we use a special ss-p tag to display the texts. An issue was fixed related to these ss-p tags that made them display incorrectly.
- Fix: Focus incorrectly stayed on the arrow after slide switching.
- Fix: Streamed audio prevented the slider from loading properly in Safari.
- Fix: Arrows could get highlighted in Safari.
- Fix: Joomla 4 could display the following PHP Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, null given.
- Other: Better handling of the translation files.
- Other: French translation added. Thanks, Jean-Francois!
2021. 09. 30
- Feature: New background animations: Morph and Distortion.
- Feature: The product image's alt tag is now available as a variable at the WooCommerce generator.
- Feature: Audio layer Icon size options.
- Fix: Safari 15 has a bug that makes the background images look bad at the Carousel slider type. We've created a workaround for this.
- Fix: 100% wide image layer appeared wrong when it had a link on it.
- Fix: Animated heading layer cropped the text when both auto width and delay was set.
- Fix: Forced layer animation and Play on Load conflicted, preventing the slide switching.
- Fix: Conflict on Joomla 4 with the Responsivizer Social Sharer extension.
- Fix: On iOS the audio level is always under the user’s physical control. This means that they don't allow the audio tag's volume setting to change the volume. For this reason the volume option is hidden on iOS.
- Fix: Text Scale option could create different result in Preview and Editor in extreme cases.
- Fix: Ken Burns image could cause the image to jump at the Block slider type, if the image was smaller than the slide.
- Fix: Column calculation adjusted for better responsive accuracy.
- Fix: When the Autoplay is enabled and only one slide is available, this one slide is duplicated to allow the autoplay to work. From now on the dynamic slides are skipped from this process. If there's a dynamic slide that displays a single slide only, that won't be duplicated for the autoplay.
- Fix: Full page layout's Decrease height by selectors options didn't take paddings into account, causing wrong height calculation.
- Fix: Translate URL now works on the background image of the Content layer.
- Fix: We adjusted the strength of the CSS codes affecting the Thumbnail control's images to avoid 3rd party codes hiding them.
- Fix: Joomla 4 displayed a PHP warning when the
Run content plugins on sliders
was disabled. - Fix: A check was added to make sure that the VirtueMart product codes are only loaded once at the VirtueMart generator.
- Fix: Linked and nested Absolute positioned layer linked to the wrong parent layer after duplication of the row or column that contains it.
- Fix: A wrong path could be generated for the resized thumbnail image at the backend in rare cases.
- Fix: Rank Math SEO integration adjusted to avoid possible JavaScript errors at custom post types.
- Other: A notice is displayed on WordPress to remove the Free version if both Free and Pro versions are installed.
- Other: Background animations are disabled if certain features are enabled on the slide or slider. See the full list of limitations.
- Other: Spanish translation has been updated. Thanks, Rodrigo!
2021. 09. 09.
- Feature: The "Block carousel" feature is now available for free users as well.
- Feature: Gutenberg block toolbar is available at the slider. Also, there's an option to go to the slide editor directly from the block.
- Feature: Pressing enter on any control will trigger the control's action, as if it was clicked.
- Fix: Force full width sliders weren't always properly positioned in Divi.
- Fix: SVG pathes were wrong in the HTML export of the slider.
- Fix: Joomla 4 will no longer display Smart Slider as not Joomla 4 compatible extension in its Pre-Update Check.
- Fix: Fix for an output buffer problem related to Themeco Pro theme.
- Fix: Fix for a conflict between "Scroll To Slider" and "Use as Anchor > Smooth scroll" that created a weird scrolling.
- Fix: The image size box overlapped the thumbnail text on RTL UI.
- Fix: Fix for Database error in Joomla 4 when a slide was copied to another slider.
- Fix: Custom thumbnail arrows were rotated wrongly.
- Fix: Since iOS doesn't support the full screen API, the full screen control does not display at all on iOS devices. We also adjusted the notice to reflect this.
- Fix: Some plugins use the WordPress Update API wrongly and erase the update transient. This could cause error messages, so from now on we're checking if
is an object before trying to run the update checker codes. - Fix: Event Booking generator can create events without end date. When the "ended" filter is used at the generator the events without the end date will now appear in the slider.
- Fix: Joomla 4 support: the Article generator displays the featured image correctly.
- Fix: Long slider names are cropped when copied/duplicated, to ensure that the new slider can be created.
- Fix: PHP 8 compatibility fix to avoid Heading, Animated Heading and Highlighted heading layers creating
tag. - Fix: On WordPress multisite installation only administrators can have
capability, which is required to be able to access the slider. We've modified the error message to reflect this. - Fix: The Convert to WebP and other optimization options won't try to optimize images without extension anymore.
- Fix: Some Google fonts contain space character, which wasn't properly encoded.
- Fix: The No animation at the Carousel prevented slide switching.
- Fix: Base64 embedded images caused a stray end tag.
- Fix: Animated heading layer Drop in animation could place the text in the wrong place.
- Fix: Minimum height CSS won't be added if the value is 0 or smaller.
- Fix: Closing source tag is removed, as it's not needed.
- Fix: Animated Heading layer's typewriter animation didn't remove spaces properly.
- Fix: Joomla 4's subheader is hidden on the slider's editor and preview, because it covered their top part.
- Fix: Joomla 4's focus border is removed from the input fields.
- Fix: We added 50MS timeout to HTMLImageElement.decode() as its promise wasn't always resolved in Safari.
- Fix: The Space around calculation in Carousels cropped the last slide.
- Fix: Absolute layer with animation jumped after resize.
- Fix: Outer positioned controls could create scrollbar, especially on small screens.
- Fix: When Retina was enabled WebP path was wrong in the HTML Export.
- Fix: Fix for rare cases when rotating a full page slider twice caused the slider height to change.
- Removed: Google font subsets are now removed, as in a browser that supports unicode-range the subset is dynamically served, there's no need to force it.
- Removed: The Custom Size option was removed from the Carousel and Showcase type, as it only affects the size of the slider. If you need taller slider on small devices, use the Side Spacing option.
- Removed: Loop Single Slide was deprecated. From now on if you have one slide and the Autoplay is turned on, it will automatically repeat the slide.
- Other: A couple of strings were not translate-able, which is now fixed. Want to translate Smart Slider?
- Feature: Smart Slider displays a preview image in Gutenberg's Add Block panel
- Feature: New Google fonts added to the font suggestion list.
- Feature: WooCommerce generator properly supports custom product attributes.
- Feature: Notice added to Convert to WebP to encourage users to use the
Medium Height
andSmall height
features in case the images appear blurry on small screens. - Fix: Slide title and description are copped at Static Save to avoid reaching server limitation.
- Fix: Images in Folder generator ordering now fetches all images in the folder before ordering them.
- Fix: The slides will show up in the Slide Editor, even if they're hidden on the current device.
- Fix: From now on the Wrap After option won't be available on non-fullwidth rows, as they break automatically based on the space they need.
- Fix: Carousel slider's single switch prevented scrolling down on the page when last slide was reached.
- Fix: Retina option no longer stays enabled when Resize is off.
- Fix: Smart Slider now properly appears on Google's Mobile friendly test.
- Fix: Scale to left main animation didn't appear properly in the Free version.
- Fix: Video layer blinked when it looped certain videos. We'll use the native loop attribute from now on to avoid that.
- Fix: Compatibility fix for Yandex.News Feed by Teplitsa which wrongly fetched certain slide data. From now on no part of the slider appears in their fetch.
- Fix: Loop delay didn't work properly.
- Fix: Text bar will display the HTML codes in the Slide title and description field again.
- Fix: Custom events weren't able to stop or pause the loop animation.
- Fix: Outer right control position was wrong on RTL.
- Fix: Better check for RankMath dependency, so it won't be loaded on pages where RankMath doesn't loads its codes.
- Fix: Outer left and right controls had wrong width. From now on they'll have the same width as the slider.
- Fix: Themify builder conflict fixed with background videos
- Fix: The slider's force fullwidth calculation could position the slider wrongly when the slider was placed into another "force fullwith" container.
- Fix: Error handling for cases when the Top or Bottom focus selector is invalid.
- Fix: Disabling Crop: Masked caused a JavaScript error.
- Fix: Slide title type previous arrow kept increasing its height after every click.
- Fix: Allow transparent color as hover background.
- Fix: Pixel bug on the bottom of the slide in certain cases.
- Fix: The upscale option of the Boxed sliders is always enabled in Full Screen mode to ensure the sliders fill the screen.
- Fix: Z-index fixes for the Simple and Block type to avoid 3rd parties modify the z-index of the background images.
- Fix: Better error handling for cases when the installation didn't run properly due to some database error.
- Fix: Conflict notice when JCH Optimize is installed and the Async non-primary CSS is enabled.
- Fix: GSAP updated to fix a bug in the animated heading layer.
- Fix: WP Bakery Frontend editor will display the slider again when Yoast is enabled.
- Fix: From now on the
capability is required to edit the slides on WordPress - Fix: Landscape breakpoints didn't work on the frontend.
- Fix: Two source tag was created for the same image if Default and Small image sizes matched.
- Feature: From now on your can set an Alt tag for the Slide Thumbnail.
- Fix: Absolute positioned layers didn't rotate in the Free version.
- Fix: Workaround adjusted for the Safari bug which makes non-fullwidth rows create unnecessary line wrap.
- Fix: Ken Burns effect wasn't smooth in latest Firefox.
- Fix: Slider and slide title fields are sanitized for security reasons. They won't accept HTML codes anymore.
- Fix: Date formats at Joomla generator are removed from localization.
- Fix: Arrow style didn't work in preview in the Free version.
- Fix: Empty background color caused PHP error.
- Fix: Force fullwidth slider might appeared offscreen in rare cases.
- Fix: Compatibility fix for Admin 2020 plugin.
- Fix: Slider flickered in Gutenberg editor in rare cases.
- Fix: Nested, not full width Absolute layer width couldn't be changed.
- Other: Editor role on WordPress no longer gets access to Smart Slider on new installations.
- Fix: Better handling of "last saved tab" in edit slider. As a result, newly imported sliders always open on the General tab.
- Fix: Animated heading layer won't create unnecessary space before the After Text.
- Fix: Advanced position messed up the Text bar width and height.
- Fix: YouTube generator playlist picker caused JavaScript error.
- Fix: Showcase and Carousel slider type didn't always switch properly using touch.
- Fix: Twenty Seventeen theme conflict with Scroll to Slider option.
- Fix: Divi Builder plugin caused problems with the align and max width options.
- Fix: Arrow style couldn't be edited if previous arrow was disabled.
- Fix: Self align is not honored in rows which are hidden on desktop.
- Fix: Slide with too wide content might rendered wider on mobile.
- Fix: Horizontal mouse wheel control conflicted with scrolling on horizontal thumbnail.
- Fix: Text wrapped wrong in Safari due to calculation problem.
- Fix: Columns will again auto-break if the row is not full width.
- Fix: Horizontal negative margins on Default positioned layers now affect the width of the layer.
- Fix: Inner align and Align wasn't working properly on RTL.
- Fix: Force fullwidth calculation is fixed on RTL.
- Fix: Text animation messed up HTML tags in Heading layer.
- Fix: Object-position: interit removed, as HTML validators identified it as an error.
- Fix: Full width image box layer in non-fullwidth row didn't size properly.
- Fix: Loading animation wasn't centered on iOS.
- Fix: Non-fullwidth row caused unnecessary line wrap in Safari.
- Fix: Slider size was wrong in Partice effect preview.
- Fix: Reveal animation on empty layer caused a JavaScript error.
- Fix: Arrow control positioned the arrows wrongly on RTL.
- Fix: Simple type slider with no animation causes the slide background image to flash in iOS Safari.
- Fix: Bullet in Above and Below position caused CLS.
- Fix: Text bar control won't display until it has content to display. (Prevents the empty text bar to flash in during slider loading.)
- Fix: Slider loaded for a moment even if it was hidden on the current device.
- Fix: Fade background animation had a "flicker-like" zoom movement on start and finish.
- Fix: Browser compatibility check is improved, so it doesn't throw a compatibility error in Ubuntu Chrome.
- Fix: Unit picker dropdown is removed from margin and padding, as only the px unit is supported since 3.5.
- Fix: Alt text was visible in Firefox before the background image loaded.
- Feature: Mbstring PHP extension replacement
- Feature: Legacy support for absolute font size modifier
- Fix: WP Rocket compatibility
- Fix: PHP8 possible PHP error fix
- Fix: Safari arrow alignment
- Fix: Safari linebreak in auto width row
- Fix: HTML entity in progress, counter layers
- Fix: Alignment issues
- Fix: iOS WebP fix
- Fix: RSS generator with empty offset
- Fix: Row stretch
- Fix: Image layer increased slide height
- Fix: Device specific layer margin
- Fix: Thumbnail control
- Fix: Controls in above and below placements
- Fix: M4A files on Safari
- Fix: Link → NextSlider option with non-instant sliders
- Fix: Mouse wheel slide switching
- Fix: Fullpage slider bevior
- Fix: Video layer without cover image
- Fix: Avoiding possible misconfiguration caused errors
- Fix: Slide editor's layer drag and drop
- Fix: Slider groups
- Fix: Image drop slide creation
- Fix: Mobile accessibility
- Fix: Device specific align inherit
- Fix: Empty animated Text bar won't flash anymore
- Fix: Rare cases when the px was removed from 0px in the inline CSS
- Fix: iFrame layer loading
- Fix: Compatibility fix for A3 Lazy Loading
- Fix: Force full width on RTL sites
- Fix: Go To Slide ID when used to go to a slide of another slider
- Fix: Vertical Text bar
- Fix: Compatibility fix for Newspaper theme's tagDiv Composer
- Fix: Slide background excluded from 3rd party lazy loading plugins
- Fix: Right align and disabled Clear after
- Fix:
Adjust slider width to
now checks whether the entered selector exists - Fix: Force fullwidth in Divi's frontend editor
- Fix: Hidden slider won't leave its placeholder
- Feature: Frontend inline JavaScript async support
- Feature: Async non-primary CSS
- Fix: Slider type change from Simple to Showcase
- Fix: Slide content wrongly positioned in full screen view
- Fix: LiteSpeed cache > Generate Critical CSS
- Fix: Audio layer with disabled controls, volume and progress bar
- Fix: Carousel in RTL
- Fix: Carousel thumbnail control
- Fix: Flatsome theme conflict with our Shape dividers
- Fix: Ken Burns + Lazy loading
- Fix: Autop + new full width algorithm
- Fix: Loop animation rotate
- Feature: Slider background image resize
- Feature: Slide background image resize Medium and Small height
- Feature: RSS generator Offset option
- Fix: Image layer fix height
- Fix: SVG image in Firefox
- Fix: Transition layer cropping during animation
- Fix: Slide
Hide On
device - Fix: Blur fit fill mode with background animation
- Fix: WooCommerce Blocks conflict
- Fix: JMG Disable Google Font conflict
- Fix: Text animation spacing
- Fix: Lazy Loading
- Fix: Alias scroll
- Fix: Slide background codes made stronger to avoid 3rd party override
- Fix: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get() on null
- Fix: Audio file in export
- Fix: Audio layer in WordPress
- Fix: Device specific layer height
- Removed: Lazy loading → Load neighbor from Showcase and Carousel
- Feature: Accessibility for slide, row and column link
- Feature: Retina background image support
- Feature: Boxed layout Border and Border Radius
- Feature: Spinner for lazy loading and lightbox when needed
- Fix: Main animation on mouse drag/touch
- Fix: Autoptimize combine can now properly combine our files
- Fix: Animated heading on editor load
- Fix: Slide switching with anchor
- Fix: Carousel Justify slides → Center option
- Fix: Absolute layer delay in editor
- Removed: Async and Combine JavaScript option.
- Other: Spanish translation updated
- Feature: Showcase type Side Spacing
- Feature: Aria-label field to row, col and slide
- Fix: Absolute layer positioning in Row
- Fix: Play when visible on small sliders at the bottom
- Fix: Image box layer full with option
- Fix: Shape divider size in editor and preview now match
- Removed: Ctype digit dependency
- Async is now enabled by default
- New: Webp support for slide and slider background images
- New: WebP support for image layers, slide, row and column backgrounds
- New: Speed improvements
- New: Custom thumbnail size for each device
- Feature: RSEventsPro itemID field
- Feature: Aria label for Icon layer
- Fix: Compatibility with E-Transactions plugin
- Fix: Compatibility with Cachify plugin
- Fix: Compatibility with Woodmart theme
- Fix: Compatibility with Flatsome theme
- Fix: PHP 7.4 compatibility checker warnings fixed
- Fix: Classic Editor sidebar
- Fix: Slider group cache is cleared properly when sliders are moved in and out
- Removed: jQuery dependency
- Removed: Simple type → dynamic slide height based on background image
- Removed: Simple type → Main animation parallax option
- Removed: Carousel type → Vertical animation
- Removed: Thumbnail control → Invert group direction
- Removed: Thumbnail → minimum thumbnail count.
- Removed: Controls → desktop/tablet/mobile size.
- Removed: Settings → Framework → CSS mode.
- Removed: Settings → Framework → disable GSAP frontend
- Removed: Fade on load
- Removed: px+
- Removed: Non adaptive font resizing (Everything will be adaptive from now on)
- Removed: Retina background images
- Removed: Slide background image fill mode → tile
- Removed: Animated heading Typewriter 2 effect due to GSAP bug
- Removed: The following generators were removed: Dribbble, Cobalt CCK, JReviews, Jomsocial, Zoo, Jcart/Joocart, JMarket, JAuction